Sunday, October 16, 2011

Apple Picking

This fall, I missed out on apple picking. I have been too busy with work to make time to get upstate, but in the spirit of fall I am posting my photos from last year. 

 The taste test.

 The orchard grows 8 different varieties of apple. Each section is marked with a hand painted sign.

We picked 20 pounds of apples!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Garden

I have always loved to garden. I can't say I have a green thumb... but I really enjoy it. 
For the past three years, I have planted a container garden on my patio. This year I got off to a late start. I didn't plant anything until Memorial Day weekend. I was afraid I waited too long, but my garden appears to be quite prosperous despite the fact I regularly forget to water my crops. 

 I planted cucumbers next to the railing of my balcony. There are many cucumbers that are about to blossom. Hopefully, a few will make it.
I planted three tomatoes in two separate containers. Combined, I have 16 tomatoes growing. They vary in size from roughly that of a tennis ball to that of golf ball. There are a few that are being to change color. MMM homegrown tomatoes!!!

I have an herb box with rosemary, sage , oregano, and mint. I also have basil planted in one of my tomato planters.

My second tomato plant was attacked by some flipping chipmunks last week. They apparently like the taste of tomato roots. Some of leaves became discolored. I hope my hearty tomato can tough it out!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Blueberry Picking

Yesterday, Anibal and I went blueberry picking at our favorite pick your own farm Fishkill Farms. Fishkill Farms is an organic farm an hour north of where we live.

We walked out into the blueberry patch and began pickin'. The blueberry bushes were about six feet high and covered in blueberries.

It is still early in the season, so there were many unripened berries. 
                                                 Our red berry pail.
                                          Anibal showing off his berry spoils.
                                           A branch of unripened berries.

                           We harvested a little over a pound of blueberries.

                          I made a giant batch of blueberry muffins this morning. Mmm!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fourth of July

We crossed into New Jersey to watch the fireworks above Manhattan. Can't say I would do it again, but it was quiet a lovely view.

Boston for a Day

While my sister was in town, we took a day trip up to Boston to visit Ani's brother Jesus.
                           It is about a 3 1/2 hour drive to Boston from where we live.

                             The view from the top of the Prudential Tower.
                                           Boston is so beautiful!

Boston Common
                                                     OMG Twins!

Summer in the City

My twin sister Courtney came to visit in early June. It was a weird combination of hot and cold, chilly and breezy, muggy and hot her entire visit. It was so muggy one afternoon, we decided to take to the open sea... via Staten Island Ferry.

The ferry moves at a steady clip, the thick stinky air becomes balmy and pleasant rather quickly.

                                              Lady Liberty herself.

                                               Manhattan at dusk.

Lychee Season!

June is the month of the lychee! They begin appearing at produce stands all over Chinatown around  Memorial Day weekend. I love the juicy sweet flesh of a lychee. Unfortunately, the season is now over:(

MMM lychee!

                                                       and her cousin the rambutan...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

North Carolina

Anibal and I decided to drive down to North Carolina several weekends ago. The weather was still pretty rough in New York, so we took a nice long weekend down south.

On the drive down, we drove across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. The highway soars high above the bay for several miles then plunges deep beneath the bay down a steep tunnel for another mile or so. The highway then rises out of the tunnel and again perches above the bay. My photos don't do the bridge/tunnel justice.

The further south we drove the greener our surroundings became.

We stayed with my grandparents and had the best time!

We drove out to the outer banks. Lots of sand and sun. The water was still too cold for swimming.

Our crabby friend.

We had to pull over for this one.